Be Our Guest

Welcome to "Music is My Life (and some other stuff too). Each title is from a song, and there will be a minimum of 1 post every week. This is an experiment for sharing my thoughts and ideas on the world through a (hopefully) interesting perspective. Some things that will pop-up frequently in my writing:
-Harry Potter
-The Beatles
-Lord of the Rings
-Doctor Who
...and so much more.

Hello, goodbye!


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Marching On

This is my first post in a few months, but I figured missing Leap Day for a post would be rather foolish. so here it is! Happy Leap Day, everyone! (Even so, It's taken me nearly 10 hours to get this written...)

My life has been one big event after the other since school started. From Wardrobe Supervisor for Spelling Bee to Vee Talbott to Harmonium to the Christmas Pageant to my first Field Experience to Black History, Black Voices 3 all on top of homework, papers, babysitting, auditions, rehearsals, honors papers, Wroxton applications, counseling, and hundreds of other little things, it's amazing I've even slept at all.

Tonight is the first night I've really been home in the last month. I've been so involved with school and rehearsals that I've been getting in at 11pm and leaving before 8 the next morning. I've been so busy that on a day like today where I suddenly have free time, I end up spending that time relaxing as opposed to doing work to stay caught up. I'm just so worn out that I don't have the wherewithal to push myself so hard anymore. I can't wait for break...even though I'll be teching  and doing props for a show all week. My life never ends.

"For those days we felt like a mistake,/Those times when love's what you hate,/Somehow,/We keep marching on."