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Welcome to "Music is My Life (and some other stuff too). Each title is from a song, and there will be a minimum of 1 post every week. This is an experiment for sharing my thoughts and ideas on the world through a (hopefully) interesting perspective. Some things that will pop-up frequently in my writing:
-Harry Potter
-The Beatles
-Lord of the Rings
-Doctor Who
...and so much more.

Hello, goodbye!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011


While cleaning the house today and listening to Lady Gaga, I did spend some time thinking about what I was thankful for.

I'm thankful for a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food in the kitchen.
I'm thankful for my ability to cook.
I'm thankful for my family: my parents and my siblings, through thick and thin, we are together.
I'm thankful for my two wonderful, dogs: Dumbo and Dingbat (not their actual names)
I'm thankful for my music: words cannot describe how much this means to me. It makes me tick.
I'm thankful for my education: all three elementary schools, middle school, high school, and college.
I'm thankful for my friends: past, present, and future. You are the best support system I could wish for.
I'm thankful for my choir friends. They are a whole category in and of themselves.
I'm thankful for my job: the people I work with and the kids I teach.
I'm thankful for my mentors: you come in many shapes and forms, and you have all been completely inspiring.
I'm thankful for my ability to drive: with or without a car, it is a helpful thing to know.
I'm thankful for my study habits: they get me great grades and opportunities in life.
I'm thankful for my acting talent: I love finding new lives in the imaginary world.
I'm thankful for clever jokes I find on Facebook (like the following:

  • I've had a horribly busy day converting oxygen into carbon dioxide.
  • Forgive me for ignoring you. I was Writing in my head.
  • Sometimes your "Knight in Shining Armor" is just a "Retard in Tin Foil."
  • :(: Bipolar

"So for tonight, we pray for/ What we know can be,/ And on this day we hope for/ What we still can't see./ It's up to us to be the change/ And even though we all can still do more,/ There's so much to be thankful for."

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