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Welcome to "Music is My Life (and some other stuff too). Each title is from a song, and there will be a minimum of 1 post every week. This is an experiment for sharing my thoughts and ideas on the world through a (hopefully) interesting perspective. Some things that will pop-up frequently in my writing:
-Harry Potter
-The Beatles
-Lord of the Rings
-Doctor Who
...and so much more.

Hello, goodbye!


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Make Them Hear You

Hello again!!! I'm aware that I've taken a rather long hiatus from my blog. To be honest, I didn't really feel like I had anything important to write about for the majority of my summer, but more on that later. I actually have something I really want to write about and share with you, my readers.

Every year at my old school, students have the opportunity to lead the school in the Pledge of Allegiance and read the morning announcements over the PA system. I had the honor of holding this position my Senior year.

The tradition has continued since my graduation, and I happen to personally know the student who applied for the job this year; let's call him Bob. Now, in attempt to change things up a bit, Bob obtained permission from the powers that be in the school to practice his astounding talent for voices and impressions during the announcement portion of the broadcast. Since every day would be different (Sean Connery, British, Midwestern, etc.) the idea was that students would listen attentively each morning to hear what was coming next. From what i hear, it was working beautifully. Students who generally talk and goof off during the announcements were listening attentively and enjoying the announcements.

I wish I'd had that idea, not that I have any talents with voices. The idea itself is simply inspired, geared toward making the humdrum school day more interesting and exciting. Having listened to the announcements myself for three years, I know how dull it can be, especially since the bell is about to ring. My attempt to change things around my Senior year came during the production of the Fall play. I wrote an announcement for each day of the week to be read by different characters, of course promoting the show, and the turnout that year was unparalleled. But, back to Bob.

Now, unfortunately for Bob, things did not work out so well. Apparently, a few teachers called in with complaints. Why, I do not know. He was not offensive or rude or cruel in any of his announcements or accents/impressions; in fact, he is one of the most responsible and respectful people I know. But, not only has he been banned from doing voices, but two of his peers have also been brought in to share the job. there is already talk of a petition to get his voices back on the air, and he has support from a majority of students from all grade levels.

I don't know why certain teachers had a problem with Bob's voices. He wasn't doing them during the Pledge, just during the announcement portion. He was trying to add a little personality and special flavor to the dull, daily routine.

I wish I could give the teachers who complained about Bob a piece of my mind, but that would be disrespectful and out of place, so I am sharing Bob's story instead to see what you think. Part of why I am studying Education in college right now is so that I can grow into a supportive, influential, force for good in schools, fostering individuality, creativity, and motivation in my future students. Bob has received the exact opposite of this. Is this what our schools are coming to? Machines to squelch individuality, turning the children into proverbial Cybermen (Google it)? If so, is it even worth becoming a teacher?

"Your sword can be a sermon/ Or the power of the pen./ Teach every child to raise his voice/ And then, my brothers, then/ Will justice be demanded/ By ten million righteous men?/ Make them hear you."