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Welcome to "Music is My Life (and some other stuff too). Each title is from a song, and there will be a minimum of 1 post every week. This is an experiment for sharing my thoughts and ideas on the world through a (hopefully) interesting perspective. Some things that will pop-up frequently in my writing:
-Harry Potter
-The Beatles
-Lord of the Rings
-Doctor Who
...and so much more.

Hello, goodbye!


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Hey, Soul Sister

This one has been a long time overdue. At least two weeks now. But better late than never, right?

On the 13th of this month, I made my first solo road trip to Connecticut to visit a friend. Now, the special thing about this friend (well, there are probably a billion things), but the first is that we met over the internet.

*le gasp!* I know, but calm down. We met chatting about Sherlock and within the first hour of talking traded Tumblr IDs. So, following each other there, we got to setting up daily times to talk, usually in the evenings when we were both done with the trials of the day, or, as it was April, school. It's now three months later, and we could not be closer friends.

The best discover I think we made in all of our hours and hours of talking is that we are Brain Twins. I lost count after the first week of how many times we told each other to get out of the other's head...if that sentence makes any sense. We finish each other's sentences, grab quotes from thin air, have inside jokes (soup had to be there). It's the best thing that's ever happened to me, and a lot has happened to me.

So, it wasn't really a surprise that we had trouble working out a visit. My parents were strangely okay with me visiting, but hers put their foot down. Really didn't surprise me. I figured at least one set if not both would.  Then on one of the two times we've Skyped face to face (we traded Skype IDs after about a month), she took me around to meet her Mum and Brother. After confirming that I'm not a middle-aged man in a basement somewhere, we got the all clear.

The drive sucked. There is no other way to describe it. Stuck in Friday afternoon traffic and getting lost several times even with the GPS, the trip too 5 1/2 hours (to compare, the trip home took 2 3/4 hours). I did have good tunes, though, and the scenery was pretty enough, but after the long haul, I made it.

We were inseparable for the 36 hours or so that I was there. Twin's family was wonderful and kind, more than gracious in accepting me into their home and making me feel like one of the family. Her siblings were amazing and clever and just as big fans of things as I am. I wore my "Doctor Pooh" shirt on Saturday to everyone's delight. I even cooked them dinner on Saturday, my way of saying thanks; I even taught Twin the dishes and left recipes.

It didn't last nearly long enough, and all too soon I had to leave. We still talk every day by text or by Skype, usually both. I get flack from my parents about not talking face to face or voice to voice enough, but how can I make them understand that talking through text is enough right now? Save face to face for when we can sit on the sofa and talk about everything and nothing until two in the morning. Save face to face for when we're cooking together and dancing to my iPod. Save face to face for when we're driving in the car or strolling through the mall. Save voice to voice for when I'm lost on the highway and need to let Twin know I'm eventually going to make it there. In order to be friends, we don't have to see or hear each other.

We just have to be there when the other needs us. And that is enough.

"You see, I can be myself now finally/ In fact there's nothing I can't be/ I want the world to see you'll be with me/ Hey, soul sister..."

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